Welcome to the Plant Ecology Modelling Group

We are a research group studying plant ecophysiology and the ways plant adapt to global change through process based vegetation models. We combine ecological biogeochemical knowledge to create better predictions of the Earth’s future.

We are part of the Discipline of Botany in the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin. We are part of the Climate + Biodiversity + Water Co-centre and are funded through the SFI Frontiers for the Future programme.

We are a vibrant and international team and take pride in inclusivity and diversity. You can read about our commitment to these values and how we work together in our Code of Conduct.


30. July 2024

Josua attend the Land Use and Ecosystem Change summer school in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (KIT Campus Alpin), Germany.

13. May 2024

The 2nd annual QUINCY workshop takes places in Potsdam, Germany. A lot of science, sun and fun. We forgot to take a picture.

6. May 2024

Midori attends CLEANFOREST COST action summer school.

15. April 2024

Josua and Gabriela present their work at the EGU annual meeting in Vienna.

1. March 2024

Welcome to new group member Midori Yajima! Midori’s PhD project will focus around whole plant phenology and integrating datasets at different scales with models.

13. Dec 2023

Silvia presents work on modelling grassland responses to drought under future climate conditions at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023 in San Francisco, US

17. Nov 2023

New paper out in Science Advances: more realistic models predict higher CO2 uptake by terrestrial ecosystems.

1. Nov 2023

Silvia presents group work at the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh.

31. Oct 2023

Silvia visits BiFoR FACE site

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